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Cover of “Secrets” by One Repbulic Performed by Courtney Marie in my Room


So… I’m recording myself playing my setlist to hear the songs, and pick out which ones I like and which ones I’ll keep as my “ only-if-they-ask.” Thought I’d share them as I go. Excuse the onslaught of posts I’ll be making for a while. Let me know y’all’s thoughts and which songs you like.

I always do this song first, because it’s one of my all-time favorite songs by One Republic. It’s also a great warm-up song for me. It helps me with my sound checks because of the low parts and also the mid-high parts in my range. I just step it back if anything gets higher/ louder than that. You may recognize this song from the Disney Movie “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.” This and “All The Right Moves” were on repeat in my middle-school days.

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